Program Educational Outcome (PEOs)

Sr. No Outcome
1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering in IT Domain.
2 An ability to analyse and interpret data to provide an IT solution.
3 Design, document and develop IT systems using best practices that are required in Business Context.
4 Investigate problems / design experiments and interpret data to produce IT-based solutions.
5 An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practices in the field of Information Technology.
6 Apply contextual knowledge to health, safety and legal issues.
7 Know the benefits of IT solutions to society and environment for sustainable development.
8 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility in business conduct.
9 An ability to work in teams as team member or a leader.
10 An ability to communicate effectively in verbal and written form.
11 Apply engineering and management skills to implement quality IT projects.
12 An ability to engage in life -long learning.